Welcome to the Farmed Life

Creating • Curating • Connecting


Are you a farm girl, rancher, homesteader, or rural entrepreneur?

If so, I wrote this book for you!

Being in community with like-minded women matters. Living the #farmedlife is unique and you need people who totally GET IT. For moral support, for fun, and for cheering you on!

If you’re a rural woman who doesn’t feel you have that community, I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone. I’m here! Lots of awesome badass rural chicks are here in the online space to make friends, lift each other up, and be there for each other; you just need to find them.

Meet more fabulous farm women & connect deeper with the heart and soul of the ag community in my soon-to-be-released book ‘Grace, Grit, & Lipstick’! A book about farm women, for farm women, written by a farm woman. On sale NOW!

Kick off your boots
and stay awhile!

I know you’re super busy with all the crazy stuff life throws at us, so I love that you took the time to stop by here for a quick minute.

I’m using this page both as a farmer and as a writer, to connect with other fierce and fabulous females across the country. I thrive off of creativity and connection, and I think our community has a lot of that to offer. So, if you’re living the rural life and looking for a friend to chat with through all the glorious ups and downs, then welcome to my digital front porch.

Living Life as a Farm Entrepreneur & Rural Writer

Like most farm women, I wear a lot of hats! Farmer, business partner, wife, mother, writer and more.

I’m passionate about using my space to create, connect, and curate authentic farm & rural lifestyle pieces.